Hubbub’s castle – Le château de Hubbub (désordre organisé, mon chez moi)

beautiful friends



Farrokh Bulsara open the door like smile 

FB ouvre la porte en un sourire

Here stands John frindged on the edge 

John arbore une frange limite

As Farrokh embrasse the clown notwithstanding farts of respect 

Farrokh en ses bras le prend, nonobstant déférence de vents

While they chat on threshold here comes Jimmy, enlighted 

Tandis qu’ils bavardent au seuil arrive Jimmy, luisant

At last came Kurt and Phil arguing about dose and booze 

Enfin arrivent Kurt et Phil discutant dopes & alcools

« so how about now? » says Farrokh?

What would be the ultimate rock band? What kind of fusion are we expected to play? Blues? A post electro symphonia? Colored silence?

We play with our bodies and souls, one and one makes more than 2 and 2² is orchestral team playing much further than music sheets. Maybe shall we paint? Is there an ultimate song, or more, art, that includes all?

Voir l’article original 91 mots de plus

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